Sally-O, oh Sally-O, do we go where birdie's go. Do we trust what's all made up, do we go a ridin'-O. Do we go where doggie's go, and do we hide with beary-O's, Sally-O, oh, Sally-O, do you spell that with a little "o". little "g" or little "l", little lordy just as well. If you go there never tell, Sally-O, oh, Sally-O

Do we go a ridin-O, and if you go there never tell, little lordy just as well, if you go there never tell, Sally-O, Sally-O. Sally-O my Sally-O, do we go where birdie's go, do we trust what's all made up, shall we go a riding-O, and if you go there never tall, little lordy just as well. If you go there never tell, Sally-O, ......If you go there never tell, Sally-O, oh, Sally-O......if you go there, never tell, Sally-O, oh, Sally--O