Hate to Keep You Waiting
This song was the first song that The Swinging Chads recorded in August 2014. Randall McGowan plays piano, bass guitar and sings both parts. A great guitar accompaniment from Norman Collins makes this song a great representation of what the music of The Swinging Chads is about.

I wrote it as a testament to the healing of broken relationships.

Doing this enabled me to move ahead, looking back with grace on circumstances that are irreversible in my life.
A Beatles' song called "In My Life" was the inspiration to tell this story from my 3rd act in the music business.
On a spiritual phone line with call-waiting, I placed a call to missing friends, living and not so alive, to recall their tonality in my life. My current stay of well-being gave me the path to closure on these events and a clear memory of all the interaction that these missing souls had in my life. "I am so lucky that I'm still here to play."

Randall McGowan - Bass Guitar, Keyboards & Vocals
Norman Collins - Guitars & Vocals
Johnny Young - Guitars & Vocals
Ken Ingels - Drums & Percussion
Tony Archemenes - Saxophone
Allen Sudduth - Guitar
George Husaruk - Flute

Words and Music by Randall McGowan
Hilda Lou Music ASCAP 2015
Produced by The Swinging Chads
Engineered by Lincoln Andrews and Allen Sudduth
Mastering by John Cuniberti, Oakland CA
Recorded at Russian River Records in Talmage CA., Aug. 2014